Samsung has launched its most awaited smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 with an expected price of Rs. 43,490.Over the last few months this phone was one of the most debated among the tech analysts.Now with the arrival of Sony's Xperia Z and HTC one,it has to be seen how well the Samsung's galaxy S4 will go in the market.
Galaxy S4 was launched in an event on March 14, 2013 at Times Square. it possesses a 1.9GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor with a 5-inch full HD screen and a resolution of 1080x1920px and a pixel density of 441 ppi. It is expected to arrive in India with its octa-core version on 26th April, 2013.
The key features are:
- 2 GB RAM
- 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB variants
- micro SD expandable card slot
- 13 MP rear cam, 2 MP front
The Galaxy S4 also offers a number of new features which include dual-shot, using both front and back camera, an eraser shot mode to remove people from photos and a Cinema-gram like feature called Cinema Photo.unfortunately the phone does not come with FM radio.
Samsung is expecting to sell 10 million units in its first month of the launch.